
NPC Wanted! Dead or Alive! Tibia Coins for tricky transcripts!



Let’s try something new, to aid with getting difficult ‘to get to’ Transcripts, to be completed with Hotkey Spamming.

Rewards are in Tibia Coins and/or your name immortalized on the website!

If you know of a difficult to get to NPC you want to see the transcripts of, let me know and we’ll create a bounty. You can find empty or unverified transcripts here.

Table of Contents

Quandons Ghost

Reward: 1kk Tibia Coins
Actual reward: 50 Tibia Coins Last Seen: Dead in Rathleton slums.


I’ve recently spammed NPCs and collected the transcripts of all* (49/50) Rathleton NPCs. I must say the lore there is fantastic and several new mysteries arose. alt text Can we set fire to slime with music?

You can read all the transcripts on npsearch, where I’ve left out arena NPCs.

HOWEVER, I cannot get to the last* NPC: Quandons Ghost.

You can only get to him during the final missions of Dark Trails. Which I’ve already done.

If you ever decide to do that quest, please consider asking him the words I compiled from all the keywords that Rathletonian NPCs respond to:

1. creature products potion Balfour food carefew buy nicholas trade Alaistar spell heal hi city sewer outfitter teach grandfather grandmother vote lost instrument wooden flute money paladin job crossbows dr merlay Tell 

2. slums Bullwark name singer wands gossip bye zeronex venore fayla family bolts Papers letter mission voting ammunition rank henry magistrate raid bows writing copy novel father king graham news oramond observer barnabas dee quest knight christine

3. pearl minotaurs father nightmare knight music beggar flint druid help silas time hung virgil amount runes kevin goblet gem mino professor tools beggars maro thais azalea food soothe bloom mission fight offer

4. human hello emily fayla sewers spells learn temple terrence no city flowers silas queen Graham fyodor stanton mordecai addons opera tried accident tibia glooth jewel shortcut equipment city rathleton nightmare knights emily factory maxxen lost soirée

5. news captain caveworm dungeon necrometer gazette airtight cloth wife status talon barazbaz grandmother mother jaccus maxxen friend lesson arrows minotaurs topic boss edmund history Mean Green Tooth fairy lisa

You can copy paste a whole ‘paragraph’ of max 255 letters at once and see if he responds, check which keyword worked and save that transcript. Then check again if any other words in that string worked until done with all!

If we get this one, we would complete all!

Gnominimus during Dangerous Depths


Can be met while entering the Ancient Spawn of Morgathlas lair.

Reward: 50 Tibia Coins. Last seen: Dangerous Depths.

Worth trying: crystal, time, bye, rumours, news, work, base, gnomes, dwarves, dwarf as well as quest related keywords.

Gnomish Operatives and Gnomadness of Gnomprona

Reward: 50 Tibia Coins
Last seen: Gnomprona

  • Gnomadness requires hotkey spamming.
  • Gnomprona quests completed.

Operatives only respond to: hi, name, job, news, time, operation, , bye

Completed Bounties


Another NPC you can only get to once, during Zao quests.
Has very interesting and hidden stories to tell.

Completed by: KSekturbo019