True Name of Vengoth Mountains

Finding the name of Vengoth Mountains

Short but not that insignificant!

While playing with my new hotkeys (ask 40k words in 15-30 minutes) I found that the Mooh’Tah minotaur Curos in Zao Steppe responds to the keyword ‘mountain’

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Dread Mountain! Mt. Dread sounds cool as well.

Player: mountain
Curos: Dread Mountain is to the west. From beyond the mountains creepy things are entering the lands. Our ‘orcs’ evade these mountains, but they have become the last retreat of the local humans. …
Curos: A fact that proves how desperate those humans are. The Dragonblaze Mountains are to the north. They got their name from the snow caps that turn red in the light of the fading suns in the evening. …
Curos: They are a natural barrier to the realm of the lizards. They have artificially fortified the passes through the mountains which keeps the orcs from invading the north.

We can also see that the minotaurs haven’t just come up with these names

Player: land / zao
Curos: The lizard men call this land Zao. The orcs did not bother to give the land a name, so we adopted the lizard term.

Considering they use the same names as we do, “Dragonblaze Mountains” & “Zao”.
This is cool because a lot of names can only be found through lore and tidbits here & there.

Such as the ‘Mad Mage Valley’ can only be found from the instructional book “Create Beer” which is actually a very hidden book.


{book-Create Beer} … Those are the findings. It was also found that the water that flows by the mad mage valley is quite magical. One of our mages suggested that it is the “soul of the sea”.

As you can see, these are not named on the Cyclopedia, and the areas are huge!
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All names we can see in Tibia world-map are already given, others are found in the lore.

I checked online and there was no mention of Dread Mountain.
It’s currently categorized as Zao Mountain.

I myself found this all very cool!

You can read the new full transcript of Curos by clicking on his NPC image.

Interestingly, he responds to Mintwalin as well.
This is actually a typo, it’s true name is Mintwallin, lucky my hotkeys found it!

Player: mintwalin
Curos: Mintwalin is one of the last great capitals that is left to our race. As such it is a treasure, still it is a testament that we still need to learn. …
Curos: Many of the ancient teachings of the Mooh’Tah concentrate on the individual and refer to the community only in a secondary way. …
Curos: Perhaps we can apply some of these principles to our communities. Then cities like Mintwalin will truly prosper.

That’s all I found.

Curos: Farewell for now!